Calitatea Vieții 2024-07-29T20:05:55+00:00 Editorial Office Open Journal Systems <div><em>Calitatea Vieții</em> (<em>Quality of Life</em>) is a journal founded in 1990 with the aim of advancing scientific research on quality of life and social policy issues. The journal features four issues per year and publishes empirical, methodological and theoretical articles in the above-mentioned areas as well as in the following related fields:<br />• Living standard(s)<br />• Consumption patterns<br />• Employment and occupations<br />• Healthcare<br />• Housing<br />• Political participation<br />• Environmental well-being<br />• Education and schooling<br />• Social services<br />• Social interventions<br />• Family and interpersonal relationships<br />• Leisure<br />• Migration<br />• Lifestyles<br />• Subjective well-being<br />• Research methods<br /><br />In particular, the journal encourages the submission of articles analysing and assessing social policies as well as of those advancing strategies and recommendations of social intervention. The journal publishes original articles based on qualitative or quantitative data as well as theoretical articles. The journal accepts manuscripts in Romanian, English and French. All submissions are carefully assessed and undergo the double-blind peer review process with a minimum of two reviewers.<br /><br />The Quality of Life journal follows a new editorial policy that aims to encourage articles that bring original contributions to the international literature in its areas of interest, without downplaying relevant research that aims to foster local, national or regional social development. We also support the increasing international visibility of the articles published by our authors and the growth in the number of citations.</div> <div><br />The journal is indexed in the following databases:<br /><a href="">Scopus</a><br /><a href="">CEEOL</a><br /><a href=";org=Calitatea%20Vietii,p3234,3.html">Index Copernicus</a><br /><a href="">ERIH PLUS</a></div> <div><a href="">WorldCat</a><br />Public Affairs Information Service (PAIS)<br />Sociological Abstracts<br /><a href="">The Belt and Road Initiative Reference Source (Ebsco)</a><br /><a href="">The journal has the B+ mark awarded by CNCSIS</a><br /><br />Submission invitation<br />The Quality of Life journal is always open to the publication of scientific articles, of book reviews and of contributions describing scientific events (conferences or congresses). Please send your manuscript, following the <a href="">instructions for authors</a>, via email to the journal’s address <a href=""></a>.</div> Cheltuielile sociale, între investiție multiplicatoare și modelul statului minimalist: o analiză longitudinală pentru România 2024-06-19T15:14:02+00:00 Monica Marin Manuela Sofia Stănculescu <p>This article analyses the volume of public social expenditure in Romania, in line with the approach according to which budgetary allocations for social expenditures represent multiplier investments. The differentiated analysis by functions of social protection shows contrasting developments. The costs of disability benefits registered a slight decrease in 2020 compared to 2019, yet this function of social protection had one of the lowest values at the European level. The share of expenditures for family and children has increased, and the social benefits related to unemployment also expanded. Housing expenses are constant at low values. Administration costs increased substantially in Romania in the first pandemic year. The study additionally shows the importance of examining territorial disparities as a differentiated lens on the priority awarded to social protection within the local budgets of rural administrative units in Romania.</p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Romanian Academy Publishing House Reprezentarea secetei în presa scrisă online: o analiză comparativă România-Spania 2024-07-15T15:55:42+00:00 Luiza Nistor <p>Schimbările climatice reprezintă o problemă fundamentală și complexă, cu implicații ecologice, sociale și economice semnificative pentru întreaga lume. Schimbările climatice pot contribui la intensificarea secetelor. Seceta reprezintă, de asemenea, o problemă semnificativă, având consecințe fundamentale asupra mediului, economiei și comunităților umane. Dincolo de importanța schimbărilor climatice și a consecințelor acestora asupra fenomenelor meteorologice, precum seceta, sunt importante discursurile care organizează realitatea socială. Mass-media are un rol esențial în informarea și educarea publicului cu privire la impactul secetei și al schimbărilor climatice, iar prin prezentarea corectă a informațiilor științifice și a datelor relevante poate ajuta publicul să înțeleagă aceste fenomene. Prezenta cercetare reprezintă un studiu cantitativ-calitativ ce investighează comparativ 400 de articole de știri despre secetă, atât din presa românească, cât și din cea spaniolă, publicate online în perioada 20232024. O primă concluzie a acestei cercetări este că atât presa românească, cât și cea spaniolă, se caracterizează prin lipsa discursurilor privind schimbările climatice. De asemenea, atât presa românească scrisă online, cât și cea spaniolă acordă o atenție deosebită efectelor economice ale secetei, dar nu și asupra relației dintre secetă și schimbările climatice. Articolele privind seceta se concentrează în principal pe consecințele acesteia, mai puțin pe analiza cauzelor fenomenului.</p> 2024-07-15T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Exploring the Reemergence of Social Class in Contemporary Society: An Analysis of the Influence of Social Class on Individuals’ Economic Perceptions 2024-07-29T20:05:55+00:00 Andreea Stancea Cecilia Ciocîrlan Corina Benga <p>This article aims at investigating the contemporary impact of social class on economic perceptions in Romania. Contrary to arguments suggesting the diminishing relevance of social class in the face of new social divisions and a shift away from class-based politics, this research posits that social class remains a critical determinant of individuals' views on economic conditions. To test the hypotheses, this article employs individual-level data from the 2012 Romanian Election Study (RES), with a sample of 1.300 participants, all of whom are aged 18 and above. Using OLS regression models, the analysis seeks to deepen understanding of how social stratification shapes economic outlooks and, consequently, political choices in a changing world. The findings underscore the importance of social class in shaping individuals' economic interpretation, contributing to a deeper academic discourse on the connections between social stratification, economic viewpoints, and democratic involvement.</p> 2024-07-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024